9725 S Dixie HWY Pinecrest, FL 33156
Poor attention to detail, careless mistakes in work, difficulty sustaining attention, not realizing people are talking to you, not following through on instructions/work/chores, losing focus, difficulty organizing, losing important items (glasses, keys), easily distracted, forgetfulness.
Anxiety, worry, panic attacks, feeling on edge, being easily fatigued, irritability, muscle tension, trouble sleeping, obsessions, compulsions, phobias, stage fright.
Manic episodes of too much energy lasting about a week or more. One may or may not experience depression between episodes.
Depressed mood, decreased interest, decrease pleasure, weight change, trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, fatigue, low energy, feeling worthless, feeling guilty, trouble concentrating, thoughts of death or suicide.
May occur after experiencing or being a witness to death/serious injury/or sexual violence (i.e war, a natural disaster, violent crime, rape).
Feeling like your mind is playing tricks on you, feeling unsure what is real and what isn’t, seeing/hearing things that aren’t there, feeling like one’s thoughts are disorganized, feeling paranoid.